Ladbroke Crossing Petition

** Ladbroke Grove Crossing - Local Peteion - GET INVOLVED!! **

We need as much info as possible to help the current survey being carried out at the junction by Westminster Council
This was brought up again at the last meeting, and Jay has made great strides in pushing this forward.

We need to get as many signatures as possible, there is a signature form on the Files Page
HERE for you to download & print out. Please download it and get some signatures in your street if at all possible. There is also a poster for you to use to encourage other people & display.

Any info we can take to the council will help. if you have any contact with local schools or business's that are affected by the lack of a Pedestrian crossing at this junction (isn't everyone?) then please let us know:

Any Help you can give will help us move this forward. we are a little short on time, as they current survey is due to finish at the end of February. They will then look at all the info gathered for this to try and get a Pedestrian Crossing for this busy junction.