Graffiti Tag Database
03/12/07 22:59
There is now a Graffiti Tag Database being used to track repeat offenders. Please Submit any Photographic evidence to the Safer Neighbourhoods Team
Ex Farley's & Grant's Motor Spares Buliding Site's +Lighting Update+
03/12/07 21:54
The Tunnel has now been Lit!
CCTV - New Sites
23/11/07 12:38
Brent are considering the placement of new CCTV within brent - feedback Welcomed Read More...
Ex Farley's & Grant's Motor Spares Buliding Site's
21/11/07 21:24
The lack of lighting in the scafolidng "Tunnel"
Safer Neighbourhoods Meeting 20 Nov
20/11/07 22:49
Safer Neighbourhoods meeting 20th Nov