Thank You

Thank you_Dec15

Meeting Oct 15

meeting October-01

KTRA Meeting 24th Feb 7.45pm

02 2015-0102 2015-0202 2015-0302 2015-04

Thank You & Merry Christmas!


KTRA Meeting - 27 Jan 2014

KTRA Meeting - Monday 27th January
8pm At The Paradise 19 Kilburn Lane, W10 4AE
01 2014 Poster V2
clicky link

KTRA Meeting 12-Nov 13

KTRA Meeting - Tuesday 12th November
8pm At The Paradise 19 Kilburn Lane, W10 4AE

nov meeting-01

We will be talking about the consultation:

poster re postcards-01

The Postcards should be coming through your door any day
If you need any further information to fill in your own response please check out these websites 
Keri Brennan spoke at a KTRA meeting a year ago, she is part of  Hillingdon Against HS2 and has helped us on many occasions, by sharing her vast knowledge of HS2 
They  have a fantastic site, full of information which will help if you want to do your own reply.


Also The HS2 Action Alliance website is another good sours of information 


Mobile Phone Thefts

Mobile Phone Thefts in the area

At the moment there is an emerging crime trend taking place on the ward.
This involves the snatching of mobile telephones out of the victims hands whilst they are using the phones walking down the street.
These offences are taking place around the south end of Chamberlayne Road, Kilburn Lane, Harrow Road and the surrounding side streets.
The suspects are young males riding pedal cycles and approach victims from behind and snatch the phone and make off. There are varying descriptions. Sometimes there are two suspects involved. The majority of phones stolen are iphones or Blackberrys.
Please take care when using your phone. Take time to survey your surroundings. If you see anyone acting suspiciously don’t use your phone. Ensure that you record all the phones identifying features and IMEI number and keep that information safe. Register your phone with immobilise.com. Install tracker apps such as find my iphone (Which is free, and easy to setup).

Queens Park Safer Neighbourhood Team
Tel: 0208 721 2960

KTRA @ Queens Park Day 2009

Constitution Information for Formalizing The Residents Association

The subject of formalizing the Kensal Triangle Residents Association was discussed at the February meeting again. Read More...