Police, Brent, Safer Neighbourhoods

Police Station "Review" Meeting

An Update from Sgt. Pilkington on the plans for a review of Police Buildings in Brent & Across London. Read More...

Met. Police "Focus Day" in Kensal Triangle

Police hold a “Focus Day” in the Kensal Triangle On Thursday 6th March, all the officers from the police Safer Neighbourhoods Team will be on duty solely within the triangle area. There will be coverage from 11am through until 10pm. Read More...

Brent Police Bulidings

This is from Sgt.Pilikington. He would like local feedback on the plans to restructure the police buildings within Brent.

There have been a number of rumours circulating about the closure of some police stations within Brent.
A review of all Metropolitan Police property has been conducted across London and an ‘Asset Management Plan’ produced for each borough.